Ikram and sons group of companies


Delivering With Trust

Ikram and sons group of companies

Real Estate

Redefining Residential living In Pakistan

Ikram and sons group of companies


Sending Skilled Workers To Saudia Arabia

We’re always here to help you

/ About Ikram and sons group of companies

We Provide Professional Industrial Services

As a conglomerate with multiple business verticals, we are able to provide a variety of goods and services to the people of Pakistan. From the production of food and construction material to employment services and housing, Ikram and sons group of companies is carrying out work that is recognized for its immense value and lauded for its exemplary performance
Absolute Integrity
Mutual Respect
Hard Work
Personal Accountability
Continuous Learning

24/7 Support

We have to a tendency to believe the idea that smart looking
Years of Working Experience
/ Our diversity

Number Speakes Everything

Since 1992, our journey has been defined by growth and impact. Across 5 industries, our 500+ strong team has touched the lives of 100,000+ people, showcasing the power of collaboration and commitment.
Started In
People Served
/ Our Awesome Services

We Provide Best Quality Industrial Services

Contact to Expertise in the manufacturing industry


Our Expert Team Member Will Assist

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Best projects planning

As a conglomerate with multiple business verticals, we provide a wide range of goods and services to the people of Pakistan, including food production, construction materials, employment services, and housing.

Recognized Excellence

Melhi Group's work is celebrated for its immense value and exemplary performance across all industries.

Ikram and Sons Group offers diverse services across Pakistan, excelling in food production, construction materials, employment services, and housing, and is recognized for quality and performance.





- Plot no: 299, Sundar Industrial Estate, Lahore - Main GT road, Gujrat bypass, Punjab
- Plot 124 Industrial estate Main Ahmedpur highway,Bahawalpur

Mon - Sat

8.00am to 9.00pm (Sun: Closed)